Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What Type Of Anesthetics For Patients For A Pain Free...

Part A: Career Research Biology Chemistry Physics Earth-Science Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist give anesthetics to patients for a pain-free surgery. They have long working hours, but make 100k-300k a year. They access medical history to choose what type of anesthetics to be given and monitor the patient during surgery. Requires University level education to attend med school. Chemical Engineer Chemical Engineers design and operate equipment processes to change physical matter. They design and develop new machines to produce different chemical reactions. They make 45k-135k a year. Chemical engineers sometimes would work with different hazardous chemicals. Requires University level of education. Civil Engineering Civil Engineer help to design buildings, railways, highways, bridges,etc. They plan on the construction of buildings and inspect the workplace of project sites. Spends 40-50 hours working and earn 40k-120k a year. Requires university level of education. Climatologist Climatologist study different weather patterns and factors that would affect climate. They would collect data on past and present weather patterns and try to solve climate problems. They earn 47k-120k a year and spend around 40 hours a week working.Show MoreRelatedAnesthesi Surgery And Its Effects On Society1521 Words   |  7 PagesArmbrust February 11 2015 Anesthesia: Surgery Rewritten Anesthesia has redefined surgery. It has converted surgery from a form of medical butchery into a highly professional, lifesaving event, that millions of people undergo, worldwide (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2014, para 4). The history of anesthesia is not the most picturesque as it was rather gruesome and cost the lives of many. However, these deaths were not in vain as anesthesia led to surgery seemingly becoming an everyday ordealRead MoreThe History of Anesthesia Essay858 Words   |  4 Pagesits creation and the primitive anesthetics used before anesthesia was discovered. Today there are many different anesthetics and delivery methods dependent to the type of procedure. Anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists are a crucial part of the surgical team. Without anesthesia where would we be today? â€Å"The first recorded use of anesthesia dates back to the ancient Incas. Shamas got coked-up chewing coca leaves and drilled holes in the heads of their patients, to let the bad spirits escapeRead MoreThe Evolution of Anesthesia Essay example1638 Words   |  7 Pagesthere is the doctor in a stiff, dry, blood-covered smock. The man is there for surgery and the doctor leads him to his designated operating room. As the doctor sets the man down in the chair, the man sees the dry blood and sharp instruments. He starts to have second thoughts on the surgery and struggles to get away. Two of the doctor’s assistants hold him down as the doctor gives him a blow to the head to knock his patient out. The poor man screams in agony as he awakes from the doctor beginning hisRead MoreA Literature Review On Opioid-Free General Anesthesia Versus1693 Words   |  7 PagesLiterature Review on Opioid-Free General Anesthesia versus Opioid-Based General Anesthesia for Bariatric Surgery Ina Basha University of New England One third of the American adult population is considered to be overweight, a figure that is still on the rise. Numerous studies have presented the negative impacts that obesity has on health and how every organ system in the human body is affected. When minimally invasive strategies such as life style changes fail, bariatric surgery procedures have becomeRead MoreCase Analysis : Lam And Mui1742 Words   |  7 Pages Lam and Mui (2016), applied a multimodal analgesia model in their bariatric patients, which included premedication with pantoprazole 40mg the night before and 2g PO paracetamol and 150mg or 300mg of PO pregabalin (depending on BMI) two hours before surgery. Once in the operating room, 1-2mg of midazolam was administered, then a dexmedetomidine infusion was started at 0.2mcg/kg/hr based on the patient’s lean body weight (LBW). Induction included the use of 100mcg of fentanyl, propofol, and eitherRead MorePerioperative Observation Paper1455 Words   |  6 Pagesclinical requirement for my Adult 1: Medical-Surgical course, I had the opportunity to observe a patient in the Operating Room and in the Post Anesthesia Unit of Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. The procedure that I observed was a left total knee replacement. The patient needed this surgery because she was experiencing osteoarthritis, and this surgery could alleviate her pain and discomfort. I was with the patient from the end of her stay in the pre-operative holding area to the Operating Room, and thenRead MoreAnesthesia Paper6133 Words   |  25 Pagesshe was thrown intro a pit and buried alive. What was this mother’s crime? She had given birth to twin sons, and during her labor she had asked for some pain relief. The Church regarded the pain of childbirth as a punishment justly inflicted by God. The ultimate intent of her persecution was to discourage other women from making the same decision. You can tell today’s society is less diluted by medicine and anesthesia. Now if someone asks for pain relief they won’t get put in a pit and left toRead MorePersonal Narrative : Something You ll Always Forget1904 Words   |  8 Pagesmedicine, and few know about it. From pain management, to full surgical procedures, looking back at anesthesia has shown many advancements in the medical field. Over the years, anesthetics have made some vast improvements. It is essential to know what an anesthesiologist is, the history of anesthetics, and how to become one. This is in part to understand how an anesthesiologist impacts the medical field and why one may want to become one. First of all, one must know what anesthesiology and an anesthesiologistRead MoreEthics in Cosmetic Surgery1367 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world are choosing to have cosmetic surgery. It seems to be an easy fix to problems that people perceive, even if the problems are natural, like breast size. In a sociological study done in the UK, the author found that â€Å"[T]o have breast implants requires a major medical procedure, but they are sold as a fashion accessory and the procedure is framed as a beauty treatment rather than an operation by those who sell it† (Taylor). While many cosmetic surgeries are fairly simple procedures, there isRead MorePersonal Narrative : Something You ll Always Forget1904 Words   |  8 Pagesmedicine, and few know about it. From pain management, to full surgical procedures, looking back at anesthesia has shown many advancements in the medical field. Over the years, anesthetics have made some vast improvements. It is essential to know what an anesthe siologist is, the history of anesthetics, and how to become one. This is in part to understand how an anesthesiologist impacts the medical field and why one may want to become one. First of all, one must know what anesthesiology and an anesthesiologist

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