Wednesday, May 6, 2020

America s Rising Tide Of Consumerism - 1877 Words

Perhaps one of the most controversial, creative and courageous times in American history; the decade after the first world war would take America as a nation to the front of the world stage. It is best summed up in a reflective editorial from the small newspaper, The Atlanta Constitution, â€Å"The people of every age think theirs is the â€Å"golden age† of the world—and they think aright. The age we live in is the alivest and best that mankind has ever known† (Howell 8). And although there were aspects of the 1920s that seem to support the argument that the decade was reactionary, when seen alongside the loud, roaring culture and society, these events simply fade into background noise. The 1920s were an incredibly prosperous and booming period for the American economy; the largest inciting factor of the rapid growth of the U.S. and also the largest factor in its downfall. This can be specifically seen in America’s rising tide of consumerism. For the first time by 1929, America’s advertisement budget exceeded one billion dollars and the average person, including women and children, received $173 more annually than 10 years before (Shannon 216). Stock values went crazy, and, helped along by the end of the Progressive Era, corporate profits boomed. This kind of rapid and positive growth built the foundation for all that was to happen in the decade. People had an excess of money and an excess of time, creating a need for new ways to spend all of it. It may be that money does not buyShow MoreRelatedProcter and Gamble Environmental Analysis10421 Words   |  42 Pagesmost valuable contribution comes from the company‘s people. PG‘s employees are deeply committed to their purpose, values and principles. [Are these statements factual or someone‟s stated opinion? They are not the sort of statements that would typically be made by an outside observer. 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